Likely, Your life, business, job or even Your perception of Your surroundings has changed during the first semester of 2020 because of bushfires, pandemic, cyber-attacks or other problems out of Your control. You are probably surfing in tons of data, showing You how the employment rate is dropping like the ones cited below and how international relationships among nations are deteriorating, which adds more drama and pressure to Your business environment. Without a doubt, You might be facing complex issues, which make You wonder when things will be back to normal.
Harsh as it may sound, "back to normal" perhaps is fading away, never to come back. When complicated situations emerge, You should not hold onto old habits. Instead of looking at what has always been, You need to start looking at what can be. That is why creativity matters more than ever. It can help You to create a new normal. With new ideas, You can embrace the process of dismantling old structures and creating new ones. Imagination believes in possibilities, so it can open Your eyes, turning Your reality for good. That is why creativity is a decisive competitive advantage to face seasons full of unexpected challenges like this one.
There is more good news! Creativity is a skill that everybody can develop. Here are three pointers on how to create new ideas.
"Creativity is contagious.
Pass it on."
Albert Einstein
How To Improve Your Creativity
1. Innovates to serve not to impress 2. Be brave instead of a perfectionist 3. Seek up meaningful inspiration
1. Innovates to serve not to impress
Innovation, at its core, is a matter of loving and serving each other. It is the practice of conveying value to stakeholders . With this foundation in mind and heart, You will have plenty of energy to reach the final line. You will have a remarkable spirit able to spot issues, visualising creative solutions through a deep understanding of critical responsibilities, pains and gains of Your stakeholders.
2. Be brave instead of a perfectionist
Perfectionism is the trap of creativity. Therefore, it is essential to track Your habits to continue executing Your ideas. Often, imagination stuck because of an excessive desire for perfectionism, looking for the best scenario possible. But- what is the best plan possible? This kind of behaviour might You miss the boat, never executing your creations. According to Steve Jobs, "People don't know what they want until you show it to them". With this quote, You might infer that the power of action is vital for creativity. In other words, be brave and don't be afraid to fail. You can feed Your imagination with repeated doses of effort and courage, looking for environments of experimentation, execution and optimisation.
"People don't know what they want unitil you show it to them"
Steve Jobs
3. Seek up meaningful inspiration
You are the result of the five people you spend most of Your time with. As a result, You should build relationships with people who encourage You to think differently, helping You visualise different perspectives. It is believed that a sparkplug of creativity is to ask why questions. For example, on one occasion, a designer was hired to move cargo from an island to another divided by a canyon; someone asked him what kind of bridge he should create to solve the challenge. The designer replied, "Don't ask me to build a bridge; show me the canyon". This example might help You realise how some questions recommend obvious and outdated solutions, limiting the power of imagination. So, to improve the innovation in Your organisation or Your life, You should spend more time with curious people that challenge you with more insightful questions.
Originally published Jun 25, 2020 7:00:00 AM, updated April 11 2021
Creativity is contagious! Pass it on social media.